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Islam, Israel and Bible Prophecy


Islam and Israel an Introduction

            The linking of the nation of Israel with the emergence of Islam as a major world religion, encompassing over 20% of the earth’s population is just a coincidence to some.  However, for those who know Bible Prophecy there is no such thing.  Central to the scripture is God’s

prophetic plan for the nation of Israel and the Jewish people. 

             To understand these amazing circumstances, we need to comprehend the emergence of the nation of Israel in 1948, a recent event.  Prior to this period, the last

Read more: Islam, Israel and Bible Prophecy

What is the history of Islam?

What is Islam?


Map of Pre-Islamic ArabiaThe Arabian Peninsula the birthplace of Islam is one of the hottest and driest regions in the world, consisting mainly of deserts. Since ancient times tribes of the nomadic race had populated the region. Considered the descendents of Noah’s third son Shem they are called Semites. Over the centuries theses Semitic people have migrated into the Fertile Crescent and were assimilated to into existing civilizations.

Read more: What is the history of Islam?

Islamic Resources

The Seventy Weeks of Daniel: How the future of Al Aqsa will effect the whole earth.
What is Islam? What is the story behind the fastest going religion in the world.
pdf.Version 690K
Answering Islam: How can a Christian respond to a Muslim
pdf. Version 464k
Sources of Islam: This book written 100 years ago reveals the sources of the writings we know of as the Koran.
The Jewish Foundation of Islam: An in-depth series of lectures on the link between Islam and Judaism.
The Quran: The Rodwell Translation with notes: Sura 1, 2, 3
The Muslim Christ:The Jesus of Islam is different then the Jesus of Christianity. Samuel Zwemer's book show the difference between the "Muslim Jesus" and the Jesus of the Bible.
The Quran:The Scripture of Islam By John Gilchrist What is the story behind the Quran? The composition and character of the Quran. The principle and tenets of Islamic faith How the Koran was collected and origins of its contents
Bell's Introduction to the Qur'an revised by Montgomery Watt.
  The Sahih Bukhari Hadith (Translation)
  Behind the Veil: What is the story behind Islam. This book gives insight to the untold story of Islam
  Timothy Abraham's Story:
Born in Egypt, he became a member of The Islamic Brotherhood and his desire was to spread the teachings of the Prophet to the whole world.
  Esther's Story: How a Muslim girl found Christ.

What is the Islamic Religion?

What is Islam

Islam is according to some the fastest growing religion in the world today.  Over 20% of the Earth's population is Muslim, so its important to understand this large group of people.  In this article we will cover the world before Islam, the history of Mohammad and the history of Islam.  The Quran, Hadith and the Bible are also explained in how they relate to the Islamic faith.

Another aspect of Islam is how it relates to Judaism and Christianity, since it looks to both religions as connected to the prophets.


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Islam, Israel and Bible Prophecy