The Third Temple and Ambassador David Friedman

    If you are a student of Bible prophecy, you should be aware of one of the key events foretold in the Book of Daniel (Daniel 9:24-27) the coming of Third Temple. The location of the Third Temple is in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount, also known as Mount Moriah. This is also where the third most holy place in Islam currently stands,the Dome of the Rock

   According to Bible prophecy, the Dome of the Rock is going to have to come down for the Third Temple to be built. The problem is 1.5 Billion Muslims consider the Dome of the Rock their "Holy site" and they reject any Jewish claim to the Temple site.

    This is actually at the heart of the whole conflict, If Jerusalem was just an ordinary city, the world would have forgotten about it, but Jerusalem is the city promised to the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Jews, by the God of the Bible. Later the site was conquered by Islam as they defeated the Byzantines, claiming the Mount Moriah, the Temple Mount,as their Holy site. According to Islamic teaching, Mohammad claims to have ascended in a "Night Journey" to the top of Mount Moriah. This event makes the site holy to Muslims. The Dome of the Rock was built on the site in A.D. 687 to celebrate this event. 

    Therefore if the Jewish claim to the Temple Mount is validated by the world, that must mean Mohammad's claim is false. If Islam wins, then the claims of the Bible are false. Both Islam and Judaism see the Temple Mount possession as a validation their claims. Israel has sworn Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount as the eternal possession of the Jewish people. Islam has also claimed East Jerusalem (The location of the Temple Mount) as the capital of a Palestinian State, a Muslim possession to never be surrendered to a Jewish state. Both groups might claim they are willing to negotiate "Peace", but the heart of the matter is not negotiable. This makes the lineup, 1.5 Billion Muslims and the world versus 5 million Jews in Israel and the claims of the Bible.

   The Bible clearly teaches Israel will build the Third Temple, but that is only the start of events leading to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Jerusalem being recognized by the most powerful nation on earth as the capital of Israel, means a great deal in Bible prophecy. So keep your eyes on Jerusalem, and you will see a greater intensity of events as the years move forward.  Zechariah the prophet wrote about these events 2500-years ago.

“I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem. On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves. Zechariah 12:2-3