Come by Randy Davis

Randy Davis was a faithful servant of the LORD. This is his final paper, he calls the lost to  "Come" and find Jesus Christ, the invitation is open.  Randy struggled to breath a result of his job, the disease disabled him but he never complained, he only looked for the coming of the LORD. Randy was forced carry an oxygen tank wherever he went. However this never stopped him from going to Church, Bible Study or Men's Fellowship at Grace Church In Middleburg Hts., Ohio. God Bless you Brother. He requested this paper be made available.

 Randy Davis

The unbeliever's dilemma is with sin; next the unbeliever is faced with the task of finding a
solution for sin; third, Jesus' precious blood is the only solution that God the Father will ac­cept for sin - just the facts.


There are two poems that I like: one by Gwendolyn Brooks - "We real cool" about drop­
ping out of school, and the second one by Langston Hughes - "Harlem," better known by the first

stanza: "A Dream Deferred" about unrealized dreams. In "A Dream Deferred," it asks the question:

"What happens to a dream deferred?" But there is a better question: What happens to the unbe­
liever who does not trust in Lord Jesus as his Savior (1 Pet 4:17-18, NKJV)? Simply put, the

unbeliever is eternally separated (Isa 59:2; 2 Thes 1:8-9) from his Creator (Deut 10:14; Ps 33:6-9;
135:6; ColI: 14-18) forever (Mt 25:41, for unbelievers also; Dan 12:2). The unbeliever (Prv 2:13-
14) will experience death for a second time (Rev 20:14; 21:8). Yes, the unbeliever who does not
trust in Jesus as his Savior dies a second time. Also this second death is not about going out of
existence, for after death is the judgment (Heb 9:27) but not the final judgment that comes later.
To be clear on this, there is no purgatory; one will not be in sheol (Hades) for a time then allowed
to enter into Heaven later. Jesus is the propitiation (Rom 3:25-26; Heb 2:16-18; 1 John 4:9-10) for
sin, meaning that God is satisfied with His Soi~ayment for sin.~ Jesus' blood is enough to pay the full price for sin. God the Father will not say later that one has sins not covered by the Cross

so now one must make - up the difference in Hades for a time then allowed in Heaven on the green
eagle self - redeem coupon book (Eph 2 :8-9). The unbeliever who has rejected Jesus will not have
Heaven as his resting place that decision was made on earth. The unbeliever just waits for further
judgment as the fallen angels who left their proper lane and had relationships with women (Gen
6: 1-3; Jude 1 :5-6). Yet, the unbeliever who does not trust in Jesus as his Savior will have a resur­
rection body (John 5:28-29; Acts 24:15) made for eternity fitted for hell with all his memories and
personality intact as he was on earth just filled with regret and never at peace (Isa 57:20-21) with
God - tormented for eternity (Mt 13:41-42; Luke 16:22-31). Scripture states: "But without faith it
is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a
rewarder of those who diligently seek Him" (Heb 11 :6, NKJV).

Next, there is Bernard Madoff who has stolen billions of dollars of his investors' money.

Madoff's name would have caused me not to invest with him that sounds like "made off' - that is
what he did with the investors' money. Before the Ponzi scheme was revealed, his investors had
trusted him completely. Madoff as well as the religious systems, which are work based systems,
are not worthy to be trusted (Gal 4:8).

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Before continuing, trust needs to be defined. Trust is placing your full confidence in some­
one or something. A good example of this is airline or military pilots who have to fly by flight
instruments only for their positioning of the planes in the air. Even if they see the horizon showing
them something else, they must use the flight instruments. This is not following blindly after some­
one or something. The pilots have trained in aviation, advanced math, and in flight simulators sio
that they know that the flight instruments are telling them the truth about the horizon and that their
vision will play tricks on them at times if they had to depend on the horizon that they see for their
positioning of the planes. God the Father has given His Word (see, Ps 19:7-14; 119:130, 160; Isa
28:10; Mt 4:4; John 10:35; 17:17; Rom 15:4; 1 Cor 9:8; 2 Tim 3:16-17; 2 Pet 1:2-4; and 2 Pet
1:16-21) and the works of His Son to trust (Mt 11:29; Luke 24:44-47; John 10:37-38; 20:30-31;
21:25) with this one can avoid leaning on his own understanding of God (Ps 119:15,18; Prv 3:5-
8; 9:10) not to be toss around with the latest gospel for example: the wealth gospel (Eph 4:14)
which is not the gospel (Mark 1: 15; 1 Pet 1 :23-25) of Jesus. As a sidebar if one lacks wisdom, the
solution is to ask God for it (Job 28:12, 23-28; Jam 1 :5-8). A good example is King Solomon, who
asked for wisdom and received far more than he planned on receiving (1 King 3:5-15). Also God
seems to give wisdom and understanding without asking as with Bezalel and Oholiab (Ahaliab,
another spelling for his name) in Exod 31: 1-6 for the ability to do various tasks. Come in a group
or on your own, God says bring your best argument or simply put "bring it" (Isa 1:18; 41:21-22;
45:21). God has never asked that one place his mind (Rom 12:2; 2 Cor 10:4-5) in a box and buried
it. Some people (Ps 2:1-5; 10:4; 14:1; 33:10-14,16-18; Isa 29:13; 40:23) probably should have
buried their minds, but God never asks that of us; He knows us individually (Ps 33:15; 100:3;
103: 14; 119:73; 136:23; 139: 13-18; Isa 43:7; 1 Cor 8:6; 11: 12). Now trust is similar to faith (Heb
11: 1-3); this faith is not in something, but someone: Jesus Christ (Gal 2: 16) who has come in the
flesh (John 1:14; 1 Tim 3:16; Heb 2:14; 1 John 4:2-3). This faith is full assurance that Jesus can
be trusted to redeem (Ps 34:22). Job expresses this faith when he states that: I will see my Re­
deemer (Eph 1 :7) for myself (Job 19:25-27). With Jesus (Acts 2:38) as the Redeemer, one moves
to be a child of God the Father (John 1 :12; Rom 8:15-16; Gal 3:26; 4:3-7; and 1 John 3:1-2).

Well ifnot the Redeemer, then there is option #2 (Jer 21 :8; Mt 7: 13-14). Since there remains
a stumbling block called sin, the unbeliever remains in his state of being condemned because of

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the sin and the sins (John 3: 17-20; 8:21-24). The sin is not trusting in Jesus as Savior; the sins are
the unbeliever's sin nature under the first Adam. Both sin and sins are still under condemnation so
for my purpose will be to use as the same. God has sent Jesus (John 17:3), the second member of
the Trinity - "the only begotten Son" (John 1: 18, NKJV; 2 Cor 4:6), to save the world (1 John 2:2)
and not to condemn it, for the world is already condemned because of not trusting in Jesus as
Savior. Yet, man has preferred darkness to hide his sins not knowing where he is going, but God
knows where the unbeliever is going to eternal separation from God (Gen 6:5; Ecc 2: 14; Jer 17:9-
10; Mt 15:19-20; John 3:36; 12:35). Nothing can be hidden from God (Gen 16:13, the God who
see; Job 34:21-22; Isa 29: 15-16; Jer 23 :24; Heb 4: 13). Jesus states that He does nothing apart from
the Father. What the Father does He does. The Father and He are one (John 5:19, 30; 10:30). So
even in thick darkness (darkness that can be felt, Exod 10:21-22) where you could not see your
own hand in front of your face, Jesus sees as if it was bright day (Ps 139:11-12). The unbeliever
who does not trust in Jesus as his Savior will not have a word to say at his judgment (Ps 115 :3-8;
Rom 3:19-20). Since he is still under sin, he is still under death (Rom 6:23; Jam 1 :15).

Since death is a separation from God forever, mankind must understand that his purpose
was to give glory to the Father (Acts 17:24-28; 1 Cor 10:31) before the fall ofthe first Adam now
after the fall through Jesus. A time is coming when the unbeliever will still confess Jesus Christ as
Lord, and he will give "glory to God the Father" as stated in Phil 2:9-11 before residing in hell.
Even if the unbeliever in his sinful state were in Heaven (Now this will not happen for there is no
darkness (sin or falsehood) in God at all, "but if."), the unbeliever would hate every Nano-second
in Heaven because of the holiness of God. When Adam and his wife sinned, their reactions were
to make coverings for themselves and to hide from the presence of God when He came into the
garden. Holiness does not draw them to God; sin is a barrier that keeps mankind from God's pres­
ence but not a problem for God who gives His Son (Rom 8:32) for mankind's sins. Nor will the
unbeliever be comfortable in hell for here; he will suffer the punishment of sin in full measure. So
the unbeliever will have emptiness in his heart never at peace with God - not able to be reconciled
with God. The Light of Heaven is God with Jesus being the Lamp (Rev 21:23, NLV). God will
light up the whole Heaven (Rev 22:5) just with His presence, but in hell there will be only darkness
and fire (Isa 66:24). This darkness is of a kind that can be felt like putting on a heavy thick coat
(Exod 10:21-22). In this darkness, you will not have control of the vertical or horizontal nor will

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it last for thirty minutes or one hour and then control returned to you ("Outer Limits" a 1963 TV
series). This outer darkness will be of the God kind design for eternity for torment in hell (Mt
8: 12). The rich man in Luke 16:24 wanted just a drop of water to ease his discomfort. This shows
how his thinking is futile because he thinks that a drop of water will ease some of his discomfort
when he could have had the living water when he was alive and never thirst again - spiritually
(John 4:13-14; 6:35). The second component of hell is the fire. Scriptures give two reasons for the
fire: one for not knowing God the Father (Hos 4:1-3; 6:3,6; Rom 1 :18-32) and the second one for
not obeying the gospel of Lord Jesus (John 3:36; Rom 10:3,16) (The phase "obeying the gospel"
is not about keeping the law, but hearing and coming to Jesus before the opportunity for salvation
runs out.). This fire is an everlasting destruction with no end to it and separated from the Lord
Jesus for eternity (2 Thes 1 :8-9). All that is left is judgment for sin.

Furthermore, there is no way around sin; all attempts (solutions) will end in failure with a
meeting at the Great White Throne Judgment for unbelievers only. There is no do over or leniency
program (universalism means all will be accepted in due time - don't bank on it). "[F]or the Lord
will carry out his sentence upon the earth fully and without delay" (Rom 9:28, ESV). This will not
be the time to turn in State evidence on somebody else to have sentencing reduced. Nor will the
unbeliever have credit for following other religions even faithfully (inclusivism means just long
as you are faithful any way works) for example: his own set of rules - humanism (Jdg 21 :25, stated
2nd time in Jdg; Prv 14:12; Rom 10:3), Islam, Buddhism, or Confucianism to name a few (chasing
windmills instead oflistening to God, Isa 44:6-20; Jer 17:5). All these ways seem right in the eyes
of mankind: his way seems right; Islam seems right; Buddhism seems right; Confucianism seems
right; etc., but all these ways only lead to worshiping of demons and finally to death (Prv 16:25,
same as Prv 14:12; 1 CorlO:20-21) Even the unbelieving Jews who have not accepted Jesus as
their Savior will not have a place at the table in Heaven. Being a descendant of Abraham and

handling the Word of God (Rom 3:1-2) are not going to help them. They must have faith in Jesus.
While they are God's special people, the Lord is not finish with them. God is doing this for His
name sake because the Jews have dragged the name of the Lord in the mud before the nations (Eze
36:21-24) (After 2,000 years, Israel (Ps122:6) is back in her home country as a nation 1948.). The
Jews time will start in the book of Revelation after the rapture of the Church and when they say
the statement in Mt 23:39: " ... Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD."

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The Bible states which way is right. Jesus is "the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6).

Jesus asks Martha a question "Do you believe this." Here the "this" refers to Him being the resur­
rection and the life (John 11 :25-26). This way is a narrow road, a road of allowing Jesus to have
Lordship of one's life (Mt 7:13-14). God only allow access to Himself (Rom 3:21-31) through
Jesus no other ways will be accepted (theologians call this exclusivism) - just the facts. But if you
persist in other ways to God, you will be greatly disappointed while the second road is wide and
broad, it only leads to hell. Now Confucius' name already sounds like he is confused, and he
wishes that you would join him - really. I can sin all by myself, and I am good at it unfortunately
(see verses, Ps 51:2-4, 69:5; Isa 64:6; Rom 7:7-25; Phil 3:12-14; 1 Tim 1:15; Jam 3:2a, NKJV;
and 1 John 1:8-10). This does not mean that the believer deliberately keeps on sinning (Rom 6:1-
14; Ga12:20; Heb 4:14-16; 1 John 2:1-2), but he recognizes how much ofa sinner that he is with
the Word of God (Heb 4:12) and the conviction and guidance ofthe Holy Spirit (John 16:8-9; Rom
8: 14) that he needs to turn (2 Cor 7: 1 0) to Jesus for salvation (Isa 45:22). Since we have deliverance
in Jesus, sin and death no longer are our masters over us (Heb 2: 14-15). So when we sin, we have
an advocate with Jesus (1 John 2:1; Heb 4:14-16).

The first 3 chapters of Romans, which are God's legal brief against mankind, show that
men have suppressed the truth in ungodliness (some examples, Rom 1:21-25; 8:7) and unright­
eousness (some examples, Rom 1:26-27; Gal 5:19-21); so there are no excuses left for men (Rom
1 :18-3:20). This include the Christian - like unbelievers who think they have a right standing
(Luke 18:9) before God because they believe that they are morally good enough for God's ac­
ceptance - dream on (Luke 15:29, about the elder son; Mt 19:16-30, similar passages in Mark and
Luke, about the lawyer desiring to be morally good enough to earn eternal life). In the book of Job,
Job asks an interesting question: "But how can a man be righteous before God?" (Job 9:2, NKJV).

One does not get to set the standard for acceptance; God does, and He wants perfection. That is
why mankind fell short - one sin (Rom 3:23; 5:12), and the whole world has been spinning out of
control ever since (Gen 3: 17). Also there is a group of Christian -like unbelievers who sincerely
believe that they have done things in Jesus' name (name dropping) that will keep them from going
to hell (Mt 7:21-23, works without faith), yet Jesus will say "I never knew you ... " they too will be
cast into hell. A work - based salvation is a false salvation. "Therefore by the deeds ofthe law no

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flesh will be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin" (Rom 3:20, NKJV). So
what is the work of God that one believes in Jesus who the Father has sent from heaven (John
6:28-29,33). Ephesians 2: 1-3 summarizes that mankind is a sinner by nature under Satan's control
(1 John 5:19), but God (1 John 1:5) is still in control of Satan. Satan (CoI2:15) is a defeated angelic
being: past - kick out of heaven (Isa 14:12; John 10:18); present - defeated at the Cross and
Grave (Mt 28:6; John 19:30); and future - coming eternal judgment (John 12:31). Since man's
thinking is clouded, he remains spiritually dead to know God - a walking dead man. Not only that

. he commits sins, but he is bound to sin by his nature (Ps 51: 5, meaning imputed as a sinner before
birth by God).

Also one can have many degrees in various fields of study for example: Stephen W. Hawk­
ing and the late Carl Sagan (safe guess that Sagan's worldview about God has changed, Luke
16:22-26) who are very smart men, yet they remain spiritually dead to know God (Rom 1:20; 1
Cor 1:18-21; and 2 Cor 4:4). All their knowledge of the cosmos - general revelation (Ps 19:1-6)
did not lead them to the knowledge of God (1 Cor 2:14; 1 Cor 8:2; 2 Tim 3:7). So the veil, "worn
and patched," remains in place separating mankind (2 Cor 4:3) from God's plan of redemption
(Gall :4) through Jesus (2 Cor 3:16-17). This veil is not the veil that Jesus' death at the Cross tom
in half, but the veil is the one that mankind has in place over his heart (2 Cor 3: 14-15, applicable
for today). In Eph 2:4, the verse starts out with these two words: "But God." This is the starting
point. Only God can bring about life (John 1:13; Rom 4:17b, NKJV) to the dead and why - His
great love for us, John 3:16 and Rom 5:6-8 (Eph 2:4-5, regeneration). While John 3:16 and Rom
5:6-8 are good verses in the NIT in the OIT, the psalmist for Ps 136 explains what this great love
is of God that "His love endures forever." Those who worry about climax changes need not bother.
The God of gods and Lord of lords, He alone who creates from His wisdom: the earth, the sun, the
"moon and stars," and feed all "flesh." Yet, He is mindful of our "lowly state" for "His love en-

dures forever." Without God's involvement, mankind remains spiritual dead to know God. Man's
reasoning remains faulty (Eph 4: 17-18) because he has chosen not to follow the truth of God, and
he remains cold to the things of God (Isa 40:23-24) as Pharaoh in the OIT book of Exodus.

After the rapture (Jesus comes for His saints in mid-air) - 1 Thes 4: 13-18; the great tribu­
lation - Revelation chapters 6 - 19:10; the second coming of Jesus as Judge, Warrior, and King

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with His saints - Rev 19: 11-21; and the millennial reign of Jesus on the earth in Jerusalem - Rev
20: 1-6 (in addition to things happening in between these events), the unbeliever who does not trust
in Jesus has an appointment at the Great White Throne Judgment - Rev 20:11-15 for unbelievers
only. Since the unbeliever thinks that Jesus is not sufficient as Savior from his sins, he will meet
Jesus as his Judge (Mt 25:31-32; John 5:22, 27; and Acts 10:42; Heb 10:31). There is no escaping
Jesus. This judgment (Gen 18:25) will be final - no appeals. The judgment will come from the
books - according to the unbeliever's works and the Book of Life - to see if his name appears in
the Book of Life (Rev 20:15). So what are the books (court scene, Dan 7:10; Rev 20:11-12)7
Scriptures give clues to what they might be according to Dr. David Jeremiah: the law - Rom 3:20,
23, and Gal 3:10; the works - Mt 16:27; the conscience - Rom 2:15; the words - Mt 12:36-37;
and the secrets - Ecc 12: 14, Luke 8: 17, and Rom 2: 16. Just a note, the place for this final judgment
for unbelievers will not be in heaven or on earth (Isa 51 :6; Heb 1: 1 0-12), but a place of emptiness.
Except the paragraph on trust and the statements: about the believers and members of the Trinity,
the other paragraphs and statements that were read above are the bad news for the unbelievers who
have not turned to have faith in Jesus as Savior.

Now the late Paul Harvey, a popular ABC Radio Commentator and author of an essay
called "If I were the Devil," used to say: "[N ow for] the rest of the story." Rather than choosing
option #2, go instead with option #1 that is the good news - the true explained in 1 Cor 15:1-5:

"Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day." It is up to you to believe it or
not (I Cor 1 :18).

God the Father has provided the only solution for sin that will be accepted - Jesus' precious
blood. "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, / but we [the saints] trust in the name of the
LORD our God" (Ps 20:7, ESV). While Confucius and Madoff are not good names to trust, there
is one name to trust in: Jesus (Jer 17:7-8; Heb 7:25; 12:2) that means salvation now that you can
bank on. "8 It is better to trust in the LORD / Than to put confidence in man. 9 It is better to trust
in the LORD / Than to put confidence in princes" (Ps 118:8-9, NJKV). The following lines are from
a couple of songs: "There is power in the name of Jesus / To break every chain" and "Oh, to see
the dawn of the darkest day: / Christ on the road to Calvary. / Tried by sinful men, tom and beaten,
then / Nailed to a cross of wood. / This, the pow'r of the cross; / Took the blame, bore the wrath-

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I We stand forgiven at the cross." At this point, all there is left to say is thank you Jesus - ten
thousand thank you(s) times ten thousand thank you(s); even this amount is not adequate to say
thank you (Ps 40:5). In Acts 4:12, " ... there is no other name under heaven ... " in which to be
saved. There is no salvation outside of Jesus, yet mankind searches for solutions from sin in all
the wrong places (Ecc 7:27-29). Sorry, I am just giving the facts - "just the facts." Buddha can't
help; he is too busy "booing." Again in Phil 2:9-11, Jesus will be exalted "in heaven, on the earth,
and under the earth." Scriptures give the picture of this salvation in Isaiah 52:13-53:1-12. Finally,
the Scriptures explain in Eph. 2:8-9 that salvation is a gift from God the Father by faith not of
works. Since salvation is a gift (grace), man must be willing to accept the gift on faith. The Word
of God and the Holy Spirit (1 Thes 1 :4a-5ab, NKJV) are needed for salvation. God the Father
draws one to Jesus (John 6:44-47,65), and God the Holy Spirit convicts one of sin (John 16:8-11).
For a second time, both are needed if salvation is to take place.

In "A Dream Deferred," Hughes has a question at the end of his poem: "Or does it ex­
plode?" For the unbeliever it does explode, he remains trapped under sin for eternity in darkness
and fire. There is no second chance or a "scared straight" program (A program that gives troubled
youths a taste of prison life being side by side with convicts warning them that if the youths do not
changed their ways that this is what they can expect in prison). You will not go out of existence;
you will serve your full sentence that has no end date in hell. God will settle all accounts at His
time; do not think that one can slip by to avoid judgment. (Deut 32:35; Ecc 8:11-13). In Isa 53:5-

6 and 55:6-7 NKJV, the verses read: "5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was
bruised for our iniquities; I The chastisement for our peace was upon Him. / And by His stripes we
are healed. 6 All we like sheep have gone astray; I We have turned, everyone, to his own way; I
And the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. 55:6 Seek the LORD while He may be found,
I Call upon Him while He is near. 7 Let the wicked forsake his way, I And the unrighteous man
his thoughts; I Let him return to the LORD, I And He will have mercy on him; I And to our God, I
For He will abundantly pardon." One must be regenerated (Titus 3 :4-6; Eph 2:4-5, made spiritually
alive - an act of God in us) before repentance (turning to God) and faith (turning to Lord Jesus)
can take place (Acts 20:21). Next one must respond to the gift.

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Three steps must be taken at this point:

1) One must confess that one is a sinner in "thoughts and deeds" to God. This is agreeing
with God that one is a sinner (Ps 32:5; 1 John 1 :9). Now Adam and Eve confessed.
Both were given different questions and after a long round about answer, they con­
fessed - "I ate" (Gen 3: 11, 13). Christ between the two thieves on the crosses, one thief
tells the other thief that we deserve to be up here on these crosses that is confessing
(Luke 23:41). The woman at the well with Jesus when He inquired about her husband,
she stated that she has no husband that is confessing also; and Jesus added that the last
five husbands were not your husband's either (John 4:16-18). You will have nothing
to boast about your standing before a Holy, Holy, Holy God (Rom 3 :27). " ... Scripture
has confined all under sin ... " (Gal 3 :22, NKJV). Even if one denies being a sinner in
"thoughts and deeds," one is still a sinner because of the first Adam. God has imputed
(charge to) the sin nature (guilt) of the first Adam onto mankind (Jer 17:9; Rom 3:23;
5:12; Tit 1:15). This is total depravity (Rom 3:9-20); this does not mean that one has
done every possible sin, but your thoughts about God are futile (Rom 1: 18-21; 1 Cor
3:18-20; 2 Cor 4:3-4; Eph 4:18; and Col1:21), and your deeds are as filthy rags (Isa
64:6). Sin is a debt, and the only payment accepted is death (Jam 1:15). Sorry if this
cuts to the bone, God's Scriptures have that kind of power (Heb 4: 12). I am just an
"earthly vessel" (a clay pot or more of a crack pot) telling you that the power is of God
(2 Cor 4:7).

2) One must believe that Jesus (Rom 5:6-8; Gal 3:13) has died for one's sins and that
Jesus' blood is needed to cover (atonement, Lev 17:11; Heb 9:22) one's sins - for­
giveness (judicial in meaning, Acts 10:43). There is a cost that must be met to redeem,
and sinful man is not able to meet that cost (Ps 49:6-9). The solution is found in two
words "but God." God the Father has planned this from the beginning when He had
covered Adam's sin with a blood sacrifice (Gen 3:21). " ... God is light and in Him is
no darkness at all" (1 John 1 :5b, NKJV). His holiness demands that sin be dealt with
before coming into His presence (Isa 6:1-7). When God forgives (Co12:13), then both
justification (judicial in meaning, two decrees are issued: one for forgiveness of sins
and one for imputing the righteousness of Christ) and reconciliation (an act of God in

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Christ, 2 Cor 5:19 - not man coming to terms with God) are received also from God
which can never be undone (Rom 5:9*10). There is no salvation without the precious
blood of Jesus (redemption, Gall :4; 1 Pet 1: 18* 19). No one can help oneself; [can] the
Ethiopian change his skin ... " - tone no (Jer 13:23). If there was anything that one
could do, then Jesus would not have had to die for one's sins (Rom 6:23; 2 Cor 5:21;
Gal 2:21).

3) One must confess with one's mouth that Lord Jesus is the Savior and " ... believe in
your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved" (Rom 10:9). You
have used your mouth to state other things in the past so this should not be a problem
("believe sincerely," not just mentally agreeing with the facts, Rom 10:10, 13). This
time is not about just the facts, but the heart. Now one will have victory in Jesus (1 Cor
15:57), and one will have fellowship with God the Father and God the Son (John 5:24;
14:20; Call :27; 1 John 1 :3). Where is the Holy Spirit? Well at conversion (John 3:5,
Spirit's baptism), you are indwelled with Him (John 14:16*17; 1 Cor 3:16). Also the
Holy Spirit is the One to convict you of sin (John 16:8).

Salvation will never be crammed down one's throat. This would make it not a gift. But the time is
running out to make a decision; for tomorrow is not promise to you - yes again, "just the facts"
(Prv 27:1; Jam 4:13*15). The LORD's Day (Amos 5:20) is coming without delay (Heb 10:37), and
He will not accept excuses as stated in Acts 17:30*31. In a moment, if you have not heard (Rom
10: 17) the gospel message before, the gospel message will be preached to you; take heed to listen
for one day your remains will be in the box, if Jesus has not come before hand. Will your spirit be
with Jesus, or have you chosen option #2? Hint (2 Cor 5: 18*6:2)! Choose Jesus!

19 For it pleased the Father that in Him [Jesus] all the fullness should dwell, 20 and
by Him [Jesus] to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him [Jesus], whether things on earth
or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross. (Co I 1: 19*20,

32 "For I have no pleasure in the death of one who dies," says the Lord GOD "There­
fore turn and live!" (Eze 18:32, NKJV)

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1 Darkness

MacArthur, John 1,2, & 3 John and Jude: MacArthur Bible studies. Nashville: Thomas Nel­
son, 2007. 9 p.

2 Total Depravity = Imputed, Inherited, and Personal sins

Ryrie, Charles C. A Survey of Bible Doctrine. Chicago: Moody Press, 1972. 110-112 pp.

-------------------. Basic Theology. Chicago: Moody Press, 1999. 259,263 pp.

Evans, Tony. Theology: You can count on. Chicago: Moody Press, 2008. 710-711,721, and
745-746 pp.

MacArthur, John. The NIT Commentary: John 1-11. Chicago: Moody Press, 2006. 331-350 pp.

3 Inclusivism

Ware, Bruce A. Father, Son, & Holy Spirit: Relationships, roles, & relevance. Wheaton, Ill:

Crossway, 2005. 114 p.

MacArthur, John. Hard to Believe. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2003. 192-193 pp.

4 Universalism

Ryrie, Charles C. A Survey of Bible Doctrine. Chicago: Moody Press, 1972. 184 p.

5 Exclusivism

MacArthur, John. Hard to Believe. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2003. 12-15, 193-195 pp.

6 The Books

Jeremiah, Dr. David. Sermons - "The Judge - The Fingers of God" Published on Dee 3, 2015.

7 Regeneration - Rebirth

Grudem, Wayne A. Systemic Theology. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994. 699-706 pp.

Little, Paul E. Know What You Believe. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVasity Press, 2008. 135 - 140

Evans, Tony. Theology: You can count on. Chicago: Moody Press, 2008. 759-766, 769 pp.

Ryrie, Charles C. A Survey of Bible Doctrine. Chicago: Moody Press, 1972. 76-77 pp.

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8 Confessed

Ryrie, Charles C. A Survey of Bible Doctrine. Chicago: Moody Press, 1972. 113-114 pp.

-------------------. Basic Theology. Chicago: Moody Press, 1999. 263 p.

Evans, Tony. Theology: You can count on. Chicago: Moody Press, 2008. 116-117,439-441 pp.

9 Conversion, Faith, Repentance

Grudem, Wayne A. Systemic Theology. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994. 709-718 pp.

Little, Paul E. Know What You Believe. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVasity Press, 2008. l30-l34

MacArthur, John. The NIT Commentary: Matthew 16-23. Chicago: Moody Press, 1988. 402-
404 pp.

10 Justification

Grudem, Wayne A. Systemic Theology. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994. 723-732 pp.

Evans, Tony. Theology: You can count on. Chicago: Moody Press, 2008. 238-239 pp.

Wiers be, Warren W. NT Commentary Romans: Be right: How to be with God, yourself, and oth­
ers 2nd ed. Colorado Springs, Co: David C. Cook, 2008. 45-55 pp.

Little, Paul E. Know What You Believe. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVasity Press, 2008. 141-144

11 Definition of terms

Walvoord, John F. Jesus Christ our Lord. Chicago: Moody Press, 1969. 154-156 pp.

12 Baptism, Indwelling

Ryrie, Charles C. A Survey of Bible Doctrine. Chicago: Moody Press, 1972. 77-78 pp.

Evans, Tony. Theology: You can count on. Chicago: Moody Press, 2008. 379-380 pp.

Gromacki, Robert. The Holy Spirit: Who He is, What He does. Nashville: Thomas Nelson,
1999. 170-172 pp.

13 Substitute, Atonement

Evans, Tony. Theology: You can count on. Chicago: Moody Press, 2008. 714-715, 717 pp.

Grudem, Wayne A. Systemic Theology. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994. 568-570,579 pp.

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14 Obeying the gospel

MacArthur, John. Sermons - "The Vengeance of the Lord Jesus, Part 2" Published on January 19,1992.

Willmington, Dr. Harold L. Willmington S guide to the Bible 30th ed. Carol Stream, Ill: Tyndale
House, 2011. 313-314 pp.

15 Purgatory

Evans, Tony. Theology: You can count on. Chicago: Moody Press, 2008. p 786.

Grudem, Wayne A. Systemic Theology. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994. pp 816-818.

Little, Paul E. Know What You Believe. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVasity Press, 2008. p196.

16 World Religions and Christianity

Little, Paul E. Know Why You Believe 4th ed by Marie Little. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVasity
Press, 2000. pp 181-199.

MacArthur, John. The NIT Commentary: Matthews 8-15. Chicago: Moody Press, 1987. 14-15 pp.

17 The End

MacArthur, John. The NIT Commentary: Revelation 12-22. Chicago: Moody Press, 2000. 247-
251 pp.

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