2. Moral Relativity: Who determines right and wrong?


Are Human beings just animals?


Watch the Battle at Krueger Lake

After you watch this video, discuss who is right, the lions, the crocodiles or the buffalos?

Points to consider:

If human beings are animals, then why is murder wrong?

Did the lion commit a crime when it attacked the buffalo?

Would a human who killed or attempted to kill another human be wrong, if we are animals?





Discussion Exercises







Play the role of both the Atheist and Theist





1.a Hi! What is your name?____________________


2a. Well its nice to meet you____________, Its great we can this kind of discussion about the meaning of life.  Do you think God exists?  And who are we?



3a. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?, I know you said you doubt God exists,  But, What do you think is the basis of right and wrong?  What makes murder and stealing wrong? ___________________________________



(The atheist has very few options for what determines “Right” and “Wrong”.   Since we are no more then animals...what makes man above the animals and animal nature?)




4a.  ____________ You said earlier, we are just a highly evolved animal,  Do you think its wrong for a lion to kill a lamb?  Or a hawk to eat a rat?....I think we can both agree this is their nature.  So if we are just animals why is it wrong for us to hunt and kill by nature?




Replies to 4b.

_______if the fittest animals survive, can we really condemn anyone?  The lion is not wrong for killing, so why are we?  According to Darwin and other evolutionists, the fittest animal survives...

5a. Why is there a higher standard for us, who says there is higher standard?____________________ Who establishes the moral principal... “We have a higher standard”

a. Society (Society changes...cannibalism for example)

b. The stronger person declares their “Right” to the weaker (Example Hitler and the Jews)





__________ You see Atheism has a dilemma, if we are just animals, we cannot condemn anyone!


There is no standard for “Right and Wrong” without the existence of God!  If God does not exist, Hitler’s right and wrong is no more valid then your right and wrong....because there is no right and wrong. 


On the other hand,  If we say there is “Right and Wrong” then there needs to be standard of Morality outside of us. This is evidence for the existence of God.  Because each one of has a inner feeling of right and wrong....God is the source behind this  









1.b Hi my name is _______________  What is yours?____________


2b. You know __________ I really don’t believe God exists; we are just a highly evolved animals, the human animal!

( There really is no other options, for the atheist, since they reject a “Creator” who establishes moral authority...humanity must be an animal)



Well _____________, Here is why I think murder and stealing are wrong:____________________________________




(What are the options of the atheist/agnostic? 

a. Society determines what is right and wrong

b. Might determines what is right and wrong

c. We evolved moral thinking?..)



4b. Ok course there is nothing wrong, that what evolution is all about, survival of the fittest.  They are just doing what is natural...  As for us, I would say_________________________________________



(The atheist has a limited response here....Either he admits:

a. we are nothing more then animals trying to survive

b. we are animals with a higher standard, a moral standard.



 Part II-Take Home Work 

 Exercises to expand your understanding


Ask three people you know: 

  "What is the reason there is right and wrong?" Record their responses 







Short essay question: 

Put yourself in the atheist position and try to explain why the Nazi were wrong in World War II








Now respond to your argument from the position as a Christian:









